Thursday, August 21, 2008

I am proposing an authentic health care system, which will be less expensive and also strengthen the existing health care infrastrcture. We should enable medical facilities to become insurers, in effect, sell health insurance to the people in their communities or neighborhoods.
Under this system; 1. Medical facilities would be able to cover their overhead plus pay better salaries, optimize efficiencies,expand their coverage and insure their own viability.
2, Premiums would be lower, as all payments would be going direct to the medical facilities, not to a third party.
3. Authentic health care would lead to savings for buisness and local government units, which brings about lower local taxes and a better climate for the economy.
4. This plan would make healthcare affordable to people who previously were underinsured or who could not afford it.
5. And lastly, the medical facilities under this plan would be able to work at more proactive health care programs for their communities.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Health Insurance Crisis!

The way things seem to work in this world is that problems are allowed to drift until they hit a wall and a crisis exists. I think we've hit that wall.

Curently, several health insurance companies have purchased existing hospitals, this will probably
accelerate until most of the more profitable facilities will be controlled by the health insurance industry. (When I say "profitable" I mean those in urban areas with good traffic.) As a result of this, your health insurance provider will direct you to hospitals which they control.

Out state hospitals will lose patients to these hospitals and be further degraded. Finally, the cost of medical care will be so high that the federal government will be forced to perform a bailout. Remember, the high cost of health are transalted into higher profits for the health insurance industry.